God has been doing something in my life.  He’s been working. And it hasn’t always felt good, it hasn’t been easy.  But it’s been for a purpose.

Suddenly I found myself in mourning.  Crying and in pain, as I died to myself.  I didn’t know that death would be painful.  That my heart would hurt and I would find myself knee-deep in emotional eating.

This past week has been an emotional roller coaster of warfare.  

I don’t know if you’re going through it too, but the enemy has seemed to launch an attack on God’s children.  I’ve been attacked in my dreams, with sexual immorality and also in the area of self control.  

My go to temptations – food and leisure have tried to overtake me. 

I was like, I need to stop everything I’m doing and go on a fast.  But while it’s good to get away, unclutter your mind and go to the Father to hear Him more clearly, sometimes it’s just the enemy trying to distract you and get you to stop doing what God has called you to do.

Sometimes the best remedy is to continue moving forward.

If God has been stretching you too in this season, there’s one thing I want you to know:

God’s heart for you, and that you’re safe with Him.

I want you to know and believe how incredibly trustworthy our God is.  Did you know He delights in you?  That His thoughts about you are so much higher and greater than you’ll ever know? 

Did you know that you can submit to the process and not fight God as He shapes and molds you into who He’s created you to be?

I want to encourage you, don’t fight what God is doing in your life. 

Learn to let go, relax and let Him have His way.  He’s trustworthy, and again, you’re safe with Him.

I find that I can readily let go when I know who’s receiving it.

If I’m unsure of God’s goodness and His desire for me, it would be hard to trust Him.  But God has been bringing me to a place of complete trust and rest in Him.  

I’ve had to unlearn some things.  And let go of what I thought my life was going to be.

If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. -Matthew 10:39

Why?  Because God wanted me to get on board with what He was doing in my life.  He wanted my trust and faith in Him.

During this shaping process, I’ve learned that He is GENTLE, KIND and MERCIFUL.  There’s true freedom in Him and He’s not who I previously thought He was.



I want to encourage you to continue on the process of allowing God to shape you and mold you.  He is the GOOD shepherd and He’s constantly working on your behalf.  He wants to see you in that place of victory and trust in Him.  He loves you.

Be encouraged.


Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.

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