Why worry and become depressed when you know the God you serve?

He put that dream inside your heart and allowed those things to happen. He removed those distractions, and got your focus back on Him. God gave you the time to pursue your dreams like never before. Why not take that time and use it to do the things He called you to do?

The God we serve is trustworthy. He has seen your end from the beginning and He knows what’s in store for your life.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Did you lose that job? That friendship? Did the devil try to destroy those things in your life? Did disaster strike suddenly?

I recently, and suddenly, lost my only source of income. Initially, I was heartbroken, mourning the lost of my job. I realized I had been clinging to that modest income for provision, and when that was taken away, I was devastated.

But after the tears, I did the best thing I knew to do. I went to my Father. Right away. And the Holy Spirit brought a song to my heart, as He does often.

God I look to you. I won’t be overwhelmed. Give me vision, to see things like you do. God I look to you, you’re where my help comes from. Give me wisdom, you know just what to do.

Bethel Music

Faith doesn’t work the way we think it should.

We naturally like to see what lies ahead. I’m a planner and organizer at heart, so I’m constantly looking ahead. We look at what’s in front of us, we focus on our own talent and experience, and we anxiously try to pick up the pieces ourselves. We frantically fill out the resume, or hurry to get our business up and running, trying to be everything for everybody.

And after a time of waiting and stressing, we finally get that callback, or that first client, and then the peace comes.

We think, “OK. I can rest easy now. I’ve put in the work and now God has blessed me! God helps those who help themselves.” And we continue to live our lives, training ourselves to put more faith into our own abilities, and less in our father God.

But what if that new job or new relationship is not what God had planned for you?

What if you wind up just as stressed and frustrated as you were before? I’ve been there too.

What if we had faith in God when we first got the devastating news? The Bible says the just shall live by faith. What if, before we took action, we lifted our eyes, thanked God that He is still on his throne, and got down on our knees to talk to Him?

Faith works best in the not knowing. With no “safety net.” Often times God will call us to something, but will only show us step one, to give us practice in obedience. After we’ve taken that step, then and only then will he show us step two.

And step one is usually that thing outside our comfort zone. That thing that can only be accomplished through God, and not of our own strength. That faith thing.

I wasn’t ready to start my business yet. I had not completed my website or filled out my content calendar.

But all of a sudden, here I was, with no source of income.

Sometimes losing that thing may be the best thing for you. When I stopped to look back, I realized I had missed the signs that something needed to give. I began to experience generalized anxiety and panic attacks again. I began to stress eat, caring nothing about what I put into my body, and had lost all desire to exercise.

God knew I needed to step away, because I was clinging so tightly to what I could see in front of me.

Maybe that relationship was toxic, and you needed some distance. Maybe that job was not serving you anymore in this season. God knows.

This message is for those who’ve mourned the loss of something important to them. I want to encourage you. This will pass. And if you’re in Christ Jesus, no matter what may happen on this earth, it’s all good news. There’s SO much more on the other side. In this life, and the next. We will be with Him together forever. We will reign with Christ. Death is not the end. Jesus told us He went to prepare a place for us.

So know that your future is set. We are over-comers. God wins and the devil will be put in his place for eternity. Its all good news.

And if you’re not in Christ Jesus you can be. This message is for you too. Jesus died on the cross for you. You were on His mind when He went to the cross, and said “it is finished.” Not only was he thinking about mankind, but specifically, you. God is a relational God. And Jesus restored that relationship, that day on the cross, for ALL who believe.

Not only does Jesus set you free you from your sins, he fills you with the Holy Spirit, who will never leave you. Full of wisdom and truth. Your ever present friend. No need to fear the Holy Spirit, because it’s Him who is right there with you, giving you the wisdom you need for your career, your life’s work, and for that relationship. He points you to the word of God and reminds you of His promises. He blesses you with the most anointed worship, and He worships with you.

Curious about the Holy Spirit?

I encourage you to watch David Diga Hernandez’s Youtube Ministry EncounterTV. I’ve learned so much about the nature of the Holy Spirit, and so much more, from his teachings. They’re short video clips, full of wisdom and the word of God.

And to give your life to Christ, click HERE. You give your life to him, and he gives it back to you. The way it was meant to be lived. Fully surrendered. Read my story on how I surrendered my dreams to God and what He gave me in return.

So when you’ve experienced that loss. I encourage you to go to God. He’s calling you back to Him, and that’s the best place you can be, during this time. He is the one who will truly restore your hope, your peace, and your joy. Let HIM bless you with the RIGHT job, and that RIGHT relationship.

The blessing of the LORD enriches, and He adds no sorrow to it.

Proverbs 10:22

Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.

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