Use this prayer as a guide:
Note: Just saying this prayer doesn’t save you, but it’s a guide to help you find the words and speak to God on your own level. You know in your heart what you want to say; what you need to confess to God. To truly be saved, you must repent of your sins, believe in Jesus and follow Him.
By Christian Author Dawn Klinge
Father God, I know I have fallen short. I have sinned. I’m separated from you, and I don’t want to be. I believe that Jesus died and paid the price for my sins and that He rose again to be with you. I’m placing my trust in Jesus and asking for your forgiveness. I want to be made new in him. I want to please you and follow you from this day on. Please place your Spirit in me and help me to do your will. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

If you sincerely prayed that prayer for the first time, congratulations, brother or sister.
You are now saved!
And the angels in Heaven are rejoicing!
DM me on instagram or email restfulfaith@gmail.com to talk and I can help you with your next steps.