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Let me tell you a story about the power of prayer in my own personal life.

I’m not ashamed to tell you that the enemy launched an attack against my prayer life this past season…and I just sat back and watched him do it.

I needed to pray.

But I didn’t want to pray.  Everything in my body, this flesh, was screaming against talking to my heavenly Father about it, asking Him to save me from the strategies of the enemy.

Because when I prayed those prayers before, I was still attacked.  My sleep was still disturbed.  I was still assaulted with fear as a thought would quickly enter my mind and I was unable to stop my body from responding in kind.  

The enemy wanted me to blame God for allowing it to happen. 

He caused such a discouragement in my heart that I didn’t even ask God for peace because I wasn’t a hundred percent sure I would receive it.

I didn’t want to pray.

I had to get strategic in my prayer life.

Shout out to the Armor of God Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer.

I’m only on Week Two of this Seven Week Bible study, but can I tell you that it’s already made a huge difference in my faith?

This study has lead me to pinpoint those areas in my life that the enemy has strategically targeted for destruction.

From the study: 

This is how you begin to Take. Stuff. Back. In Jesus name.

Listen to me carefully: Prayer is the mechanism that brings down the power of heaven into your experience.  It is the divinely authorized method that activates your spiritual armor and makes it effective. 

Prayer alerts the enemy to your awareness of his intentions while safeguarding you from his attacks.  It is his kryptonite.  It is what weakens and unravels all his ploys against you.

-Armor of God Bible Study

Can I get an “Amen!”

The enemy wanted me to stop warring in my prayer room.  To lose my desire to fight for what God has already given me. 

But I say “No more, devil!” 

You can’t have my peace.

You can’t have my confidence.

You can’t change my mind about my God.

No more. 

In Jesus name!

Are you with me?

Praise Report:

I want to attempt to describe to you the difference these past few days have made.  Days where I didn’t wait till I “felt just right” to pray.  Because once the doors were opened, as I assured myself that God would never leave me nor forsake me…

 I began to pray. 

And pray.  And pray.  

Pretty soon, my conversations with my Father became more important than my task lists; more important than my desire for other things.  Once again I got excited to get off of work, go home and talk to the Lord. 

These conversations became the highlight of my day.  Going to God for Every.  Little. Thing.

And my God…my God.  He answers prayers.  

I want to encourage you to pour your heart out to God even when you don’t feel like it.  I know you’ve heard this before.  But the times when your emotions are SCREAMING at you to do otherwise, those are the times you need to dig your heels in and CHOOSE to pray.

From the Armor of God Bible Study:

Unless prayer is a vital and thriving part of your life, you will never achieve spiritual victory.  No matter how many times you go through this study, no matter how many conferences and ministries you participate in, you will forever be spinning your wheels until you’re grounded in prayer.  Prayer is the connective tissue between you and heavenly places.

And that, that is always where spiritual battles are won.

Click HERE to get this powerful Bible study for yourself. 


Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.

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