Dallas or Bust!

With my free ticket and hotel in hand, I set off on a Dallas adventure with three women I barely knew, heading to a conference I knew nothing about.

We were on our way to the SALT leadership conference in Dallas, TX hosted by Tracy Eckert.  A three-day Holy Spirit-filled event with powerful worship and sessions led by God-fearing world changers.

To be honest, I didn’t really know what SALT was all about or what to expect…just that Patricia King would be speaking.

But it was a free trip to Dallas and I knew I had to take it.

Yes I prayed about it, but admittedly not very long.  Feeling the OK in my spirit I said yes, and I am so glad I did.  That yes marked me.

I had a chance to take part in a spirit-led conference with some of the nations leading women, from humble backgrounds but with a fire in their belly to change their world around them.

The Worship

I also got to worship with UPPERROOM Dallas and hear Michael Miller, in person, speak a can’t-miss message on the power of communion.  

And to worship with Lindy from Circuit Riders… such an honor.  But the real change, the one that brought about FREEDOM, was watching these three ladies I barely knew live it up!

Living it Up

I’m so used to always being careful about what I do and say, restricting myself. 

But watching Gloria, Netty & Christabel, three generations of women enjoying themselves, eating, shopping, laughing, blasting old school 90’s jams on the ride home…after chasing down a Walmart worker to prophesy over him; I was in awe.  

Such freedom was new to me. 

All my life I’ve had a bit of piousness and haughtiness in me, leftover from a pentecostal background that I’m truly grateful for, but was full of religious regulations. Coming out of that has been a journey…

With my “stay in line” personality, I got comfortable restricting and keeping myself from certain things.

But on this trip, through these ladies and the incredible women at the SALT conference, God has shown me what it’s like to live in the freedom He paid for.

Free in Him

This freedom, and bear with me, has extended into my time of fellowship with Him.  As I look back I can see this has been a process in the works for years, and the SALT conference only put the cherry on top.

Coming back, feeling light in the Spirit, worshipping with freedom and abandon… No longer did I need to try to make myself feel spiritual in order to be with the Lord. 

I was already full.

As we women warred in the Spirit Saturday night, ROARING and taking authority over the enemy through our worship and declarations of praise, I began to get loose.  Free.

I stopped becoming fearful when I didn’t feel spiritual, yes it got that bad.  I stopped being anxious trying to follow God’s plan to a tee. 

I now realize that He’s in me leading me and guiding me every day and I can go forward in faith. Free to go and do and be.  

In the Past

In the past, I’d see women full of confidence in the Lord and ask, “Lord, where did they get that confidence from?”  I’m always careful with my words, policing my actions. 

But guess what I’ve learned through all this?

The Spirit of truth lives inside me.  Not only is it He that does the work on the inside, but when I try to police myself, I often get in the way of what He’s doing.  God knows us, He knows me and can use even my  “gotta fix it” nature.

The Spirit of Truth

I can settle into who I am right now because I know that His Spirit is working on the inside of me…and He will work it out.  Whatever it is, He will work it out.

So I can let go, stop trying so hard, breathe, and just trust Him to get me there. 

I can make decisions, wise or unwise, (not talking about sinning), and then turn and worship Him with abandon.  Isn’t that awesome?  And He scoops me right up into His loving arms, so I’m free.

No hiding, no guilt, no shame.

And if I do bring guilt into our time together, I know what to do with it.   Lay it all out and confess it because I can now be honest with myself and how I’m feeling before God. 

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

And when I give those things to Him, fear leaves.  I feel refreshed, and know it’s time to settle in with God and be free.

Thank you, Lord.


Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.


  1. Kathy Hommel Reply

    Jackie, I needed this. It sounds like so many of us. When one of our sisters sees what Father has for her and He sends Jesus to reopen her heart from all that is trapping her movement with Jesus, it gives us a want to be where we are to be. When we do that Holy Spirit shows us where we are to walk to get it. Thank you for a restart back into the arms of Father, thank you for awakening our movement to follow Jesus deeper than ever before and thank you for revealing our need of the Holy Spirit!!! Love you dear sister. Kathy Hommel

  2. Sandra Beck Reply


    You are amazing! Your vulnerability and honesty will help so many!! Keep walking the path of freedom, it is a joyful adventure!!

    Sandi Beck
    Storehouse Dallas

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