Many times I have found myself in fearful moments, fully knowing the way to God’s peace, but still unable to shake the fear. It starts to overwhelm me, and no matter how much I rebuke or cry out to Jesus, it just comes. I feel powerless, clutched in its grips. Oftentimes at night, oftentimes exhausted, it just comes. Have you found yourself in a similar situation? These are the ways I banish the fear and regain God’s peace during those moments.

*Note: I always remind myself that I fight from victory, not for victory. Jesus has already given me His victory, it’s my job to apply it to the situation.

1. I stop what I’m doing and worship Jesus. 

This step sometimes seems the hardest because all you want to do in the moment is meditate on the fear.  But when you tear yourself away from the spiral of negative thoughts, and worship Jesus, fear will lose its grip, opening the door to the peace of God.

2. I bind fear and loose peace.

There’s no reason for you as a believer to remain under the influence of fear. Jesus lives inside of you and has freely given you His authority on this earth. It’s okay to step into that authority. Boldly claim Matthew 16:19.  If you need peace, release it in faith.  And if you’re unsure of what we can bind and loose (forbid and allow), it’s right there in the scripture.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19

3. I fix my thoughts on what is good.

I repeat scripture to myself until it becomes more real to me than the fear gripping my heart.  “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” Take a line of scripture and repeat it until it sinks in deep.  God’s word is alive.  Let it work its way into your heart and give you peace.

Do you know what happens when you worry? You are actually planting a lie into your heart until the roots grow down and affect your soul. They actually impact thinking, values, emotions, all those things come under the influence of whatever it is you’re worrying about.

Bill Johnson

4. I get quiet before the Lord and let Him love on me.

This one is simple, yet often overlooked.  When is the last time you got quiet and still before God?  After I’ve laid everything at His feet and released the peace of God, I get quiet. Mind, body and soul, because the Lord’s whisper is found in the stillness.  God sees your pain. And when you get quiet and seek Him, He will quicken you: You’ll feel His embrace and begin to praise Him.  God is good, so let Him love on you.

5. I act in faith.  

If I’m still unsettled after I’ve worshipped the Lord, bound fear and released peace, meditated on the truth, and quieted my soul, then I need to act in faith. I praise God as an act of faith, lifting my hands and thanking Him until my emotions submit to Jesus. I receive His peace and joy by faith. “Faith without works is dead.”  When you act, your faith comes alive.  So let your act of worship be done in faith, and expect God’s peace to come alive in your heart.


Our emotions often play tricks on us.  I know they do on me.  Did you know the enemy can manipulate your emotions to make you fearful and doubt God?  Push past those feelings, because the more you meditate on negative emotions, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole. I know, I’ve been there, and still have to catch myself. Practice these 5 ways to regain peace and expect God to move on your behalf. You have to trust Him. He loves you, He is for you, and He will move heaven and earth for you.


God, you told me not to fear, and it’s a sin against you to do so, even though it comes so naturally to me.  Forgive me. This is my offering to you, to use what you’ve already given me to silence fear in this moment.  Thank you Jesus that you know what I’m going through. Your compassion for me is eternal and I can’t thank you enough. 

Robe me with a garment of praise Lord. I know that when I praise, demons flee and you restore my emotions. My faith rises and fear has to leave.  Thank you Jesus for loving me, accepting me, and forgiving me for doubting your goodness and your desires for my life. And thank you for teaching me how to overcome fear every time it arises.  You are forever merciful and so faithful God.  Thank you Lord. Amen.

Next step

Download my printable: 5 Ways to Banish Fear, and use it every time you get overwhelmed by fear.  Hang it on your wall and practice it daily. And when you download, you’ll join my mailing list and receive weekly encouragement and insights into God’s nature, presence, and the authority Jesus has given you as His own.

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Because as you learn the truth about God and how He sees you, it gets harder and harder to walk in fear. There’ll be no room left for it. Be encouraged.

Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.

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