Business burnout? Unsure how to even get started again?

You know God has called you to this work, but the joy you once had is fading, replaced by confusion, comparison, and fear of failure. Yet, God has placed something inside you that a specific audience is waiting for—a unique group that will resonate with your story. They’ll laugh at your jokes, find your quirks endearing, and, most importantly, see your content and think, “She gets it. She understands.”

But when you’re overwhelmed or caught in a cycle of doubt, it’s hard to find the strength to keep going. The key to breaking this cycle and pursuing lasting peace, clarity, and success in your business is to adopt God’s perspective. Here’s why.

Embracing your own limited perspective on your business exposes you to things God never intended for you to experience.

I find that I’m unusually exposed to fear, attacks from the enemy, and confusion. I know God has called me to this, but why isn’t it working? Why do I suddenly have no desire for it? What is God saying in this season?

When you adopt God’s perspective, burnout becomes harder to come by. You know that if you need to rest, you rest. Your motivations change. There’s no fear of failure driving you to work in the flesh. There’s no pressure to crank out content from an empty cup. By prioritizing Him and allowing Him to fill your cup, you have something to give. When it’s time to get up and create again, it’s fresh and full of life. Your motivation shifts from “I need to do this to earn money or prestige” to “God has called me to address a need with this business.”

You naturally stop comparing yourself to others, understanding that your business doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s to succeed – what God has called you to do may not look like anything you’ve ever seen.

You won’t find yourself in a daily struggle to seek God’s face. His presence and your business won’t be competing for top billing in your heart.

As believers, we rely on our daily bread—spiritual nourishment from Jesus. We need to “feast” on Him at the start of each day. Personally, I cherish the quiet, pre-dawn hours before the busyness begins. The Lord consistently wakes me during this time, and I find I hear His voice more clearly in the stillness of the morning.

When God moves into His rightful place as you adopt His perspective on your business, you believe that every good thing comes from Him. So you wake up eager to come into His presence, to sit at His feet, and learn from Him.

You know deep down that success, joy, endurance, and strength are found in Jesus, not outside of Him. He is the vine, and we are the branches. Branches that remain in Jesus are nourished and bear much fruit; branches that are cut off wither and die. Adopting God’s perspective keeps you from that internal struggle between spirit and flesh—not just during your quiet time, but also when making decisions for your business. Why? Because you have already made the primary decision in your heart to seek after the Spirit first.

You won’t slip into building your own kingdom, which will burn up like smoke on the day that matters most—when you stand before Jesus and give an account of your life.

Everything done in the flesh profits nothing, causing us to suffer eternal loss. Adopting God’s perspective shows us that His plan is far greater than anything we could put together for ourselves.

He is our Creator. He fashioned us in our mother’s womb with care, attention, and great love. He eagerly mapped out our days and wrote them in our books of life. He gave us everything we needed to accomplish our tasks with joy and peace through His Holy Spirit. If we’re following the Spirit, we know the works we’re doing are good – trusting in His nature and character even in the midst of trials.

When we adopt God’s view of our business, we also attract those we’re meant to serve because we’re embracing the way God made us. We’re no longer slaves to comparison, dimming the unique light God gave us in favor of a watered-down version of someone else’s. We’re submitting to Jesus, adopting His plan and strategy. 

Time is short, and the world is in desperate need of the light of Jesus through your life and ministry. Become free. When you accept that your business belongs to Him and you’re only stewarding it, you find freedom. You know in your heart that the outcome of your business is in His hands. You show up, learn what you need to learn, and operate your business with wisdom, knowing that when you do the work, God will provide the increase. Just as a farmer plants his seed and waters it not knowing how it grows, what God has called you to will be blessed and fruitful.

A Prayer to Pray:

Dear Jesus, I pray and ask You to reveal Your view of my business. How do You see my business, Lord? How do You see the work of my hands? Are there areas I have not surrendered to You? Are there things You want me to be doing that I have stopped? Help me surrender my business to You in my heart and keep it from becoming an idol. Thank You for Your promise to keep me. Amen.

Be encouraged.


Restful Faith is my journey to a life trusting God with my most precious goals, hopes and dreams instead of living in fear, worry, anxiety and depression.

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